11 Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have.
12 For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.
13 For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened:
14 But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality:
15 As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack. KJV

In these verses written by the Apostle Paul to the church at Corinth he explains some very good principles for giving offerings. Notice in verse 11 Paul keeps the teaching very practical with the simple statement “perform the doing of it”. This tells us that we should be willing first (verse 12) then ready second and thirdly we must do it. For the doers of the Word of God are justified before God, not those with good intentions. We give from what we have on store, or we could say in our own personal storage (savings). In verse 12 we are reminded that the gift (offering) is accepted according to what we have in our possession. Simply put if you do not have it to give to God right now how can it be accepted by God in faith right now? As Christians we should not be foolish to offer something to God that we do not own. Since faith is now, you can not offer to God right now what you do not have right now. I know many Christians believe that they can offer money to God on a promise, thinking that when they get it they will promptly give it to the Lord. The thought is fine and I firmly believe they have all good intentions and their heart is probably right with God. However we can all easily see that a promised offering to God is not the same thing as “performing the doing of it”. Although promising to give God something in the future is “OK” that is not in line with our scripture reference that we are teaching on today. So we will admit that these situations can occur and probably do happen in the Body of Christ. However, it should not be taught as common biblical doctrine but rather personal experiences between them and God, not to be encouraged for the whole Body of Christ in general. The following two verses show us why we should not practice promising God a future offering. Verse 13 states you should not be burdened which means this should not be something we have to carry. Assuredly if you do not have the abundance (extra) in your possession right now you will have to carry this promise to God by faith until you do have the money. When offerings are done properly it should be a willingness, a readiness, and a doing, not a waiting to do later. The only delay should come from delivering the gift to the church or ministry. Also notice verse 14 which states your offering should come from your abundance. Do not over complicate the scripture, this verse should be very easy to understand. If you have extra money (abundance) you may take some or all of that abundance to give to the Kingdom of God. Therefore if you do not have money in abundance you should not give in that offering to God. This may shock some people but you do not have to give in every offering, nor do you have to give in special offerings. God is not looking to judge you on your giving, remember He is looking at your heart. If you do have it to give, don’t you think the Lord Jesus knows that. You should be a tither and a good steward over your resources given to you by God and if you do those two things consistently you will increase to a place of abundance. We are not teaching abundance in the sense of being a millionaire but rather having extra money that will allow you to give unto God’s Work more and more. Meaning more consistently and more abundantly. Simply put the more extra money you have at that moment (abundance) the more money you have available to offer to God as a holy gift of worship. Remember in the Old Testament King David and some of the mighty men of Israel offered to the Lord what they had already won in battle.-Refer to 1 Chronicles 22:5-16 and 26:27 for two references. As they increased they gave more unto God. Although we would never judge another man’s work or methods we do endorse you obeying God in your heart for what He has told you to do. If you desire to give toward a certain ministry for a designated future time frame that falls more along the lines of partnership, which we do encourage. If you are in a financial position of strength which makes you confident that you will be in abundance to the place that you will have extra for at least the next year, please by all means give liberally. If you do not know that you will be in abundance for the whole future time frame you could just commit to prayer and specific giving from the abundance you have on hand. This giving may be at regular time interval that you have decided to give from (once a week, once a month, once a quarter, etc….), just measure what you have in abundance and give from that abundance. If the amount is the same praise God, if the amount is more praise God, and even if the amount is less praise God because our Father delights in our praises. Of course we have people that give to us on a regular basis but we never require people to fulfil any promissory notes about a future amount previously promised to this ministry for future months. Your future is in God’s Hand therefore we advise everyone to stay with God’s Word and give from what you have this is both practical and prudent. If you can save 10 dollars a month for 12 months to give a one time gift of $120 dollars or if you give 10 dollars a month from your extra are they not both blessed by God. The point is the blessing from God is on the performance (giving) of the actual gift with the right heart, not your good intentions void of performance. However if you promise 10 dollars a month and lose your job or experience some unforeseen financial set back will not your promise become a burden? Remember, the moment the promise becomes a burden you violate verse 13. So therefore give from your actual materialized abundance for peace sake and consistency of being a doer of the Word of God according to 2 Corinthians 8:11-15 in Jesus Name. The Lord is not trying to hold you to some legal contract when it comes to giving, He simply ask (not demands) for you to give from your abundance when you have it to give. We believe in keeping the financial message of giving simple, be willing, be ready and give from your abundance in the Name of Jesus. This type of giving (offering) we know is right because we are doing exactly what He told us to do as Believers in verses mentioned for this lesson. Amen!

Romans 12:8
Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness. KJV

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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